Tuesday 8 September 2009

More plant porn

Orchid in Block Arcade, city


  1. Rating XXX, or should I say XXXXX on plant porn scale.

  2. LOL
    Were you in the Block Arcade on Tuesday at 3-ish?
    Was wandering about there with my son who hadn't been there before, took him as you'd nudged me with your previous photos lol.
    Posted a few pics on my blog from our arvo in the city yesterday - Oh! You've got to check out Wunderkammer at 439 Lonsdale st, science museum/shop, fabulous!

  3. Hey chrome. Well, orchid does come from the Greek word for testicles (orchis)...

    Hi Jayne. No, I actually took this pic on Saturday (been sorely lacking inspiration last few days). Glad you took your son there - it's one of Melbourne's gems.

    And, coincidentally, I walked past Wunderkammer on Daturday too and thought I should go in (but didn't). I was quite taken by the skeleton reclining lasciviously in the window. I work very close to there though so will pop in on my lunch break.


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